
Premium Block

  Premium Block Premium Block Premium Block is a multi-chain platform that allows users to create pool and disperse cryptocurrencies within the pool addresses.   What is Premium Block? Premium Block is a platform where users can create crypto pool based on multi-chain network and can use it to gather cryptocurrencies from pool participants. This is a one-stop tool for Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polkadot networks pool creation.   KYC implementation: The platform support KYC protection for pools. The pool creator can opt to use KYC options for a pool created for a group of users. KYC service provider will be a top tier service provider specialized in blockchain field.   PRB token: PRB token is the premium block native governance token that gives full advantage to token holders. PRB token holders have full rights to vote in new idea implementation and other changes within the premium block ecosystem.   Solving problem Premium block is the first platform to provide pool creation wi


  PUNKCOIN Abstract Cryptocurrency is a digital asset that has grown quite significantly in recent times. Many retail investors are starting to look at cryptocurrencies as their investment instrument, in addition to stocks or currencies. By investing in cryptocurrency, investors have a greater chance of being able to maximize the return on their investment. Because many investors have proven that cryptocurrency can give them higher profits compared to other investment instruments. However, please note that the higher the return you get, the higher the risk that must be accepted by investors. However, there are still many investors who are interested in the cryptocurrency market.   Where Bitcoin and some altcoins are more and more discovered by big institutions, this will be a serious problem in the future, because at any time they can sell their assets and run. Therefore Punkcoin exists as a cryptocurrency that targets private individuals. Punkcoin is inspired by several "rebel&qu

Base Reward Token

  Base reward token is a decentralized finance token BASIC PRIZE TOKEN (DEFI) The future of financial decentralization The base reward token is a decentralized financial token that rewards its holders 60% of the ecosystem cost using the PoS (Proof-of-Stake) protocol. customer loyalty is not valued adequately by businesses; in this scenario, organizational growth benefits the founders, board members, shareholders, and employees. Basic Rewards tokens aim to rediscover how customers can be rewarded for their loyalty by earning cryptocurrency on every transaction made online while shopping, trading, betting, or using other cryptos. in this scenario, the company grows with its customers.   BASIC PRIZE TOKEN The core idea is to combine different cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and businesses in one place and make users rewarded for their loyalty, share revenue and participate in decision making as "TOKEN HOLDERS". prizes will be given to all users in the form of tokens, for

EXIP dezentrale Domain

  EXIP dezentrale Domain Abstract The internet we know today is not as free and open as it seems. Ever since the creation of domain names and top-level domains, two organisations are responsible for most of their control, IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) and ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). These two organisations have the power to seize, revoke, dismiss, and permanently erase any domain or top-level domain from existence. Though these two organisations fall under a non-profit umbrella, they behave recklessly and provide unlawful assistance to governments. Domain names & top-level domains are considered as a part of critical infrastructure since it helps a country’s internet to function seamlessly. Countries have poured billions of dollars in upgrading their military and other infrastructure to be “smart”. What the EXIP project aims to do is provide independence from IANA and ICANN on the internet. Countries and their respective governments